Description Black Velvet Bag with flame in center containing the words "Shema Israel" and the Hebrew Words Below: "Behold I am sending you Elijah the Prophet" Matching Item Elijah Tallit, Elijah tallit/bag set, Elijah anointing oil
Description Black Velvet Bag with flame in center containing the words "Shema Israel" and the Hebrew Words Below: "Behold I am sending you Elijah the Prophet" Matching Item Elijah Tallit, Elijah tallit/bag set, Elijah anointing oil
Quick view RIGHTEOUS BOOKS & GIFTS Embroidered Velvet Elisha Tallit Bag Elisha Tallit Bag Chocolate brown bag with 2 flames in center comprised of Hebrew words "Shema Isra MSRP: Was: Now: $20.00 Options
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Quick view RIGHTEOUS BOOKS & GIFTS PRAYER SHAWL - ELIJAH THE PROPHET The Elijah the Prophet, a Holy Land Gifts Original Offering! Hebrew Words on Crown Say "Behold I am MSRP: Was: Now: $34.00 Options